David M. Trubek is Voss-Bascom Professor of Law and Dean of International Studies Emeritus at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a Senior Global Fellow at FGV Direito SP, the FGV Law School in Sao Paulo. In this podcast episode, Professor
Legal Education
Jon Hanson is the Alan A. Stone Professor of Law at Harvard Law School and the co-founder and Executive Director of the Systemic Justice Project. The Critical Legal Theory Podcast focuses on legal theorists, lawyers, activists, and organizers, who share their
What & When? Join us for the launch of The [F]law, on February 10, from 12:30 pm to 3:05 pm ET. The [F]law is an online magazine that shares stories that reveal how corporate law and power create social problems
This week there will be two sessions of the “Systemic Lawyering in Times of Crisis” Webinar. The series features systemically oriented lawyers and activists in fields most affected by our latest crisis. Each session examines the special challenges posed by the crisis, the pressing needs, the
Announcement to HLS Students In the past week we have heard from many students, lawyers, alums, and others looking for ways to respond to the longstanding and immediate crises in our country and our world. The Systemic Justice Project was
Letter from the Charles Hamilton Houston Institute and the Criminal Justice Institute, about an exciting and important new project at Harvard Law School: Dear Friends and Colleagues: We’d like to introduce the Fair Punishment Project (FPP), a brand new initiative
By Ariel Eckblad There have been at least 13 iterations of this piece. Last December, the first draft began— In November, someone placed strips of black tape over the portraits of tenured black professors at Harvard Law. Today, as I
By Carson Wheet I love negotiation theory. In fact, I hope to make a long career out of teaching others how to negotiate effectively, but every time someone asks me about my future profession, their eyes glaze over as I
An Open Letter to the Harvard Law School Community from the staff of the Student Practice Organizations (SPOs): We, the below named staff of the Harvard Prison Legal Assistance Project, Harvard Defenders, and the Tenant Advocacy Project, wish to state
By Lindsey Whyte As a brand-new student in the art of facilitation, one of my first lessons was in the importance of maintaining neutrality on the substance of discussion and, relatedly, in the value of calling in an outside facilitator