
In September, Kwame Anthony Appiah, styled as “The Ethicist” at the New York Times, wrote a piece titled: Is It OK to Take a Law-Firm Job Defending Climate Villains?” examining “whether taking a corporate law job means abandoning your values.” He

See Jon Hanson’s long twitter thread on the need for, lack of, and challenges to law-student activism in which he argues that “law students have less and less time to contemplate how law school is changing them and their life

Jon Hanson delivered a “last lecture” calling upon graduating Harvard Law students to recommit to their “childhood dreams of justice.” “[Y]ou exist at an unbelievable moment in history,” he told students. “They happen every 50 years: a moment when the

On March 3, 2017, the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study will host Universities and Slavery: Bound by History. It is a conference that explores the relationship between slavery and universities, across the country and around the world. For more information, click the link:

Announcement to HLS Students In the past week we have heard from many students, lawyers, alums, and others looking for ways to respond to the longstanding and immediate crises in our country and our world. The Systemic Justice Project was

An Open Letter to the Harvard Law School Community from the staff of the Student Practice Organizations (SPOs): We, the below named staff of the Harvard Prison Legal Assistance Project, Harvard Defenders, and the Tenant Advocacy Project, wish to state

The fourth session of the Criminal Justice Program of Study, Research and Advocacy’s series on Race, Place and Policing: What we can Learn from Baltimore is tomorrow! Andrés Alonso, Professor of Practice at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and

Just Food? Forum on Land use, rights and ecology A conference exploring LAND AND THE FOOD SYSTEM: HOW LAND AFFECTS WHAT WE EAT, WHO WE ARE, AND THE ENVIRONMENT WE LIVE IN March 25–26, 2016 This year’s Just Food? conference