Student Papers
This paper focuses exclusively on the adverse effects redlining practices have had throughout Black communities in the Central District. Furthermore, it discusses how corporate power—through the emergence of multinational tech companies in Seattle—and corporate legal structures exacerbate issues of instability
Netflix paved the way for streaming corporations to revolutionize our relationship to art and entertainment; in the process, it has remade and captured our culture. By using the same screened devices that have changed our relationship to work, removed us
Corporations are responsible for a disproportionate share of environmental harms—from greenhouse gas emissions to water pollution, clear-cut forests to toxic agricultural waste. Environmentalists have been fighting a losing war with corporations for decades, because the law is structurally biased in
Antitrust law was once framed as a “comprehensive charter of economic liberty aimed at preserving free and unfettered competition” but it is unclear whether that is still the case. As part of a revolution in economic thinking, antitrust enforcement
The definition of corruption underwent a change beginning in the 1960s. This change was catalyzed by economists’ hostility towards government regulation. That hostility translated into a bifurcated conception of corruption: public corruption (which ought to be prosecuted) and