Climate Justice

In September, Kwame Anthony Appiah, styled as “The Ethicist” at the New York Times, wrote a piece titled: Is It OK to Take a Law-Firm Job Defending Climate Villains?” examining “whether taking a corporate law job means abandoning your values.” He

In his revealing article in The [F]law, “The Blind-Eye Blizzard: How a winter storm captured the Texas regulatory body,“ Zach Berru, examines why, despite knowing its electric grid was vulnerable, Texas was still devastated by the 2021 storm and asks: Has

Calling upon friends of HLS’s Section6. In preparation for the 6th Annual Tortys, the Board of Directorts is looking to add members to the esteemed Tortys Academy.Participating would require you to devote roughly an hour of documentary watching and ranking

Derecka Purnell will speak to interested members of the Harvard Law School community about the journey to “becoming abolitionists,” including the pivotal years she spent at Harvard Law School.  

Jon Hanson & Jacob Lipton, the co-founders of the Systemic Justice Project, have recently published their article, Occupy Justice: Introducing the Injustice Framework in Volume 15 of The Harvard Law & Policy Review. You can download the article on SSRN and