
In her article on The [F]law, Falicia Elenberg uncovers how dark money, otherwise known as anonymous political spending, is perfectly legal and casts a harrowing shadow over our political system. Yasmin Clark and roughly 170 other children were wrongfully and

Dark money runs throughout our political system, and state supreme court elections are no exception. In the latest article in The [F]law, Tyler Price describes how special interest groups use their deep pockets to “buy” a state supreme court justice

When a lawsuit between a civil plaintiff and a corporate defendant gets appealed, the deck is often stacked against the plaintiff. This article discusses the gap in access to expert appellate representation between plaintiffs and defendants, and how the imbalance

This is a republication of a post originally posted on December 26th 2014: Last week a South Carolina judge took the unprecedented step of vacating the 1944 conviction of a black 14-year-old boy, the youngest person executed in the United

Alec Karakatsanis (a member of our Board of Advisors) writes with news about a case that he helped spearhead in which a  federal judge in Georgia yesterday “granted a class-wide preliminary injunction forcing the City of Calhoun to end its

Matt Pawa will be speaking tomorrow (Wednesday) about the creative use of tort law to sue corporations for global warming. It should be a great presentation on both how to use litigation creatively to tackle systemic problems, and how to think