Corporate Power

Reem Hussein‘s powerful article on The [F]law reveals how, today, slavery in America is alive and well, but it comes in a new, more temporary form: “The Modern American Slavery: Temporary Worker Exploitation and the Human Supply Chain.” Related Systemic

For-profit colleges and universities capitalize on recruiting “nontraditional students,” whether they be marginalized students, working professionals, single parents, veterans, or any number of other communities the institution deems ripe for exploitation. By promising advanced education with flexible schedules, these institutions

Greater Boston is undergoing a housing crisis fueled in part by large corporate landlords. Undetected in the conversation about the greed of these landlords is one of the largest entities with countless properties, and yet the least accountability: Harvard University.

In the latest article from The [F]law, Rosie Kaur examines how and why Harvard Law students of color are being funneled into Big Law: “Big Law’s Capture of Students of Color.” Related Systemic Justice Resources From The [F]law: Lisa Fanning, The Corporate

In September, Kwame Anthony Appiah, styled as “The Ethicist” at the New York Times, wrote a piece titled: Is It OK to Take a Law-Firm Job Defending Climate Villains?” examining “whether taking a corporate law job means abandoning your values.” He