In the latest article from The [F]law, Samantha Perry reports on “Common Good Constitutionalism,”which promises to be the next big theory in the legal conservative movement. It publicly claims to be anti-corporate, but its really pro-corporate power and control. Read
Legal Education
In the latest article from The [F]law, Marty Strauss looks at the deeper institutional currents pushing students toward Big Law: “In Search of Sunlight: How Corporate Law Careers Outshine All Else at Elite Law Schools.” How do the majority of
Harvard Law School To Host Conference on Corporate Capture of the Legal System The hosts of 5-4 Pod, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, Prof. Noam Chomsky, Briahna Joy Gray, and other leading experts, scholars, and students will convene to examine the role
Big Law’s “pro bono” work, supposedly “for the public good, sells students on the promise that they can make a starting salary of $215,000, plus bonuses, all while doing good work. Have your cake and your soul too. But is
In her revealing article in The [F]law, Ellie Olsen argues that lawyers, like everyone else, are morally responsible for the choices they make about how they spend their time and who they choose to help with their training and talent.
Read the “storty” about the 2022 Tortys at HLS Today, here. There was so much hype leading up to the Tortys, said Arzu Singh ’25, that she didn’t think the event could possibly live up to expectations. But it did.
As law students become increasingly alarmed about the climate change crisis the law firms that hire them continue to work assiduously on anti-climate litigation, transactions, and lobbying. Hanson describes the clash and considers signs of potential change in this Twitter
From this year’s collection of 16 Tort Reports, each produced by 5-person teams of students in Jon Hanson’s Torts class at Harvard Law School, one depicts a fictional fossil fuel law firm, Harmin Zee Planette LLP, discusses its recent performance,
Duncan Kennedy is the Carter Professor of General Jurisprudence, Emeritus at Harvard Law School. He is well known as one of the founders of the Critical Legal Studies movement. This episode is the second segment of Rio Pierce’s interview of
In the latest article from The [F]law, Rosie Kaur examines how and why Harvard Law students of color are being funneled into Big Law: “Big Law’s Capture of Students of Color.” Related Systemic Justice Resources From The [F]law: Lisa Fanning, The Corporate