Economic Injustice

In her superb article in The [F]law, “Land is a bank account: A journey into the polluted heart(land) of American agriculture,” Liz Turner tries to work through the troubling implications of a boom in farmland investment, only to find American

From donating millions to charity to, literally, aiming for the stars, corporations claim to save the world in a variety of ways. But what happens when we look beyond that thin layer of altruism? Tyler Price looks behind the mask

Lea Kayali brilliantly reports on how a primary school in the West Bank has become a battleground for the future of Palestine. Read about the Kisan school, and the U.S. charities funding ethnic cleansing in the latest article on The [F]law. 

Underpaid? And overpaying for everything from food and health care to beer and concert tickets? Luke Hinrichs reports on the costs of market concentration — and how antitrust needs to be reinvigorated to help dampen corporate power. Read the article

When corporations manipulate tribal sovereign immunity, the working poor lose. Learn how payday lenders co-opted tribes’ immunity to hide from state regulators and charge triple-digit interest to low-income consumers. When Gabe Crofford was investigating payday loan complaints at Montana’s Office