
Below is a letter signed by 322 members of the faculty and staff of Harvard Law School.

January 5, 2015

An Open Letter to the Harvard Law School Community,

We, as faculty and staff of Harvard Law School, have been profoundly affected by the recent grand jury decisions in Ferguson and Staten Island, and the wave of protests that have followed. We know from our daily work the many ways that the legal system can be used to create positive change. We also know that the legal system does not protect and bind us all equally and in important ways needs to be fixed.

Recognizing the long history of discrimination and violence against black people and other people of color and acknowledging the racial injustices within our legal system are necessary first steps to changing that system. The killings of Michael Brown and Eric Garner have brought these issues into stark relief once again. We have been particularly inspired by students on campus, in Boston, and throughout the country who are pushing for change. We believe students should not be raising their voices alone.

We commit to supporting our students. We will always have an open door and a willing ear. We also commit to working together with students and other members of the faculty and staff to find common ground to better address systemic institutional racism that exists in this country.

This is an extraordinary moment in American history. To all those involved in efforts to push for change, we will engage, individually and collectively, in the fight against injustice, particularly racial injustice.

Sonia Acosta          Deborah Goldfarb          Gyodi L. R. Olech

Devin Advani          Lee Goldstein          Natasha Onken

William Alford          Annette Gordon-Reed          William Ortman

Rashid Alvi          Mark Gould          Ernest Owens

Ronnie Andrews          Brandie Grant          Andrea Moon Park

Deborah Anker          Robert Greenwald          Catherine Pattanayak

Marina S. Apostol          Paul Gregoire          Michelle Pearse

Sabi Ardalan          Michael Gregory          Yennifer Pedraza

Susana Arteta          James Greiner          Joei Marshall Perry

Amar Ashar          David Grossman          Catherine Peshkin

Carrie Ayers          Lani Guinier          Marcia C. Peters

Ona Balkus          Betsy Gwin          M.A. Peterson

Elizabeth Bartholet          Susan Hackley          Anna Pierce

Christopher Bavitz          Janet Halley          Chris Pierce

Maggie Bay          Daniel Halperin          Nancy Pinn

Alison Bell          Polly Hamlen          Rory Placa

Monica Bell          Jon Hanson          Deborah Popowski

Noa Ben-Asher          Delia Harrington          Thompson Potter Jr.

Roger Bertling          David Harris          Remy Prevost

Jane Bestor          Gail M. Harris          Brian Price

Yuliya Bir          Bruce Hay          Robert Proctor

Elizabeth Blake          Jennifer Heath          Sheena Prosper

Tracy Blanchard          Mallory Heath          Intisar Rabb

Gabriella Blum          Joseph A. Hedal          Todd Rakoff

Whitney Erin Boesel          Kira Hessekiel          Steven Ramos

Margie Boone          Philip Heymann          Janie Rangel

Thomas Boone          Mariko Hobshuku          Ceallaigh Reddy

Robert C. Bordone          Elizabeth Hopkins          Desta Reff

Juliet Bowler          Alexander Horn          Ana Carolina V. Riella

Cheryl Bratt          Carol Igoe          Nicholas Robinson

Scott Brewer          Wendy B. Jacobs          Mindy Jane Roseman

Erin Britt          Brett Johnson          Amy Rosenberg

Tomiko Brown-Nagin          Emma Johnson          Keith Rosenthal

Kerri Brummel          Ian E. Johnson          Patricio S. Rossi

Dolores Bullock          Ian Johnson          Joan Ruttenberg

Liala Buoniconti          Charles B. Johnson IV          Benjamin Sachs

Chloe V. Bush          Andrew Kaufman          Teresa Saint-Amour

Jacqueline A. Calahong          Jane Kelly          John Salsberg

Marni Goldstein Caputo          Nancy Kelly          Naomi Schaffer

Esme Caramello          Duncan Kennedy          Michelle Schultz

Rafael Casiano          Randall Kennedy          Ann Scibelli

Jennifer M. Chacón          Melinda Kent          Andrew Sellars

Stephen Chapman          Brandon Kimm          Alexa Shabecoff

Susan Chin          John J. Kleinv          Yih-hsien Shen

Lakshmi Clark          Mark Kleinschnittger          Judi Silverman

Alicia Clemente          Kate Konschnik          Joseph William Singer

John Coates          Amanda L. Kool          Shona Simkin

Glenn Cohen          Melissa Courage Korta          Chanda Smart

Rebecca Richman Cohen          Meg Kribble          Melissa Smith

Susan F. Cole          Vivek Krishnamurthy          Yvonne Smith

Russell Coleman          Kenneth Lafler          Liz Solar

Allison Condra          Adriaan Lanniv          Cara Solomon

Bradford Conner          Eve Lauria          Amy Soto

Maureen Corrigan          Eloise Lawrence          Ina Spaho

Ellen Cosgrove          Richard Lazarus          Holger Spamann

Doralean Cox          Aubrey Leas          Carol Steiker

John Cratsley          Emily Broad Leib          Carolyn Stafford Stein

Chandra M. Craven          Miriam Leigh          Michael A. Stein

Desne Crossley          Maria Leister          Henry Steiner

Anna Crowe          Lawrence Lessig          Matthew Stephenson

Lucy Cummings          Benjamin Levin          William Stevens

Anthony Curcio Jr.          Nathaniel Levy          Kristen Stilt

Tracey-Ann Daley          Laura Ligon          Margo Strucker

Stephanie E. Davidson          Isabel Lima          Jeannie Suk

Daniel Deacon          Jacob Lipton          Ronald Sullivan Jr.

Lisa Dealy          Leah Litman          Patricia Sutton

Sara del Nido          Kenneth Mack          Rebecca Tabasky

Joshua Delaney         Bruce Mann          Jeanne Tai

Fernando Delgado          Jose Marroquin          Katherine Talbot

Claire DeMarco          Sandra Mays          Phoebe Tamminen

Christine Desan          Jason McCann          Anne-Marie Taylor

Julia Devanthéry          Julie McCormack          Biao Teng

Sheryl Dickey          Maureen E. McDonagh          Ethan Thomas

Bonnie Docherty          Maggie McKinley          Karen Thomas

Charles Donahue Jr.          Jennifer McKinnon          Nancy Thompson

Stephany Doulames          Nefyn Meissner          Susannah Barton Tobin

Sarah Downer          Brione Merchant          Robert Toomer

Lindsay Dumas          Lee Mestre          Eleanor Topping

Susan Eaton          Frank Michelman          Philip L. Torrey

Anne Eisner          Melissa Minaya          Laurence Tribe

Linda Ellersick          Robert Mnookin          Steven Trothen

Elizabeth F. Emens          Naz K. Modirzadeh          Mark Tushnet

Daniel Epps          Lia Monahon          Dehlia Umunna

Molly Eskridge          Wendy M. Moore          Rachel A. Viscomi

Kathleen Eutsler          William Moore Jr.          Stephen T. Wagner

Melanie Evans          Maggie Morgan          Johanna Wald

Christine Fahey          Elizabeth Moroney          Heather Wallick

Daniel Farbman          Kathleen Morrison          Caroline Walters

Susan Farbstein          Laura Morrison-Westphal          Matthew Wansley

Tomaso Ferrando          Sarah Morton          Ben Watson

Edgar Filho          Samuel Moyn          Thera Webb

Cassandra Filios          Kristin Muniz          Lynn Weissberg

Joseph Fishman          Elizabeth H. Munnell         Lucie White

Gabriela Follett          Judy Murciano          Alex Whiting

Stephen Foote          Jon Murley          Patricia Whiting

Katie Fortunato          Jaimie Murray          David Wilkins

Charles Fried          Daniel Nagin          Heather Williams

Gerald Frug          Sarah E. Neely          John Willshire Carrera

Maggie Gardner          Micah Nemiroff          Suzanne Wones

Kathryn Garfield          Elizabeth Nessen          Mark Wu

Kelly Garvin          Charles Nesson          Mike Zaisser

Paula Garvin          Bettina Neuefeind          Benjamin Zawacki

Urs Gasser          Gerald Neuman          Nongji Zhang

Jacob Gersen          Emily Newburger          Jonathan Zittrain

Nancy Gertner          S. Darrick Northington          Sara Zucker

Tyler Giannini          Kathleen M. O’Connell

Erica Goldberg          Louise O’Connell

Stephanie Goldenhersh          Charles Ogletree Jr.